25 September 2005
whistle while you work
My stash has become so terribly disorganized that I have had to spend quite a few stitching hours getting it straightened out. My housework may not be up to par, but it really bugs me when my patterns, fabrics & fibers are a jumble. One must set priorities in life! LOL

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But in between the tidying up (you should see my harddrive - not an electronic dustbunny to be found!) we've been having fun. Max decided that today was the day to really put on the dog and he's dressed himself so he's ready for any Paris runway. This meant that I could finally get him to pose for a picture, which he insisted Gilbert (the bird) and my Halloween project be in. Little brother Nicky had to sneak in at the last moment, too! While the boys were hamming it up for the camera, Rowen was enjoying some fun & games with her Daddy and for once I got a decent picture. (Rowen is very hard to photograph because of her pale-pale coloring.)

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Now that my patterns are once again decently organized, it's time to finish that wonderful BoaF Halloween project. For once, I will be done well ahead of a deadline! I hope that anyone reading this is enjoying a wonderful Sunday full of family, fun, and love.
posted by mainely stitching at 10:52 AM ¤ Permalink ¤ |