It's too funny & clever to pass up, and I've just seen it again in Jo's blog, so here are my answers. I was a good girl and only took charts from my stash, and I limited myself to one answer per designer. (I will try to do this again later with pictures, but I'm pressed for time right now.) I'd like to give credit to the genius who thought this up - step forward, whoever you are!
(Edited to include pictures)
1. Are you male or female?
Mother and child, by The Cricket Collection
2. Describe yourself.
1793 Dutch Sampler, by The Goode Huswife
3. How do some people feel about you?
A Primitive Stocking, by CHS
4. How do you feel about yourself?
One Zany Bird, by Elizabeth’s Garden
5. Describe your love interest.
Come fly away, by Sheepish Designs
6. Where would you rather be?
Alone with you, by Hester’s Needle
7. Describe what you want to be.
Laughter, by Mosey N Me
8. Describe how you live.
Country, by The Workbasket
9. Describe how you love.
Forget Me Not by The Drawn Thread
10. Share a few words of wisdom.
Bloom where you are planted, by La-D-Da