19 May 2006
all the news that's fit to print
Wow, what a jam-packed day! I'll spare you the boring story of the work-related part of my day and just jump to the good stuff. LOL! The mailman brought me gifts from Von today, the last of our first Gemini Gift Exchange. What fun! Shall we do it again next year, ladies? I really enjoyed it!

Of course, I had to open the presents right away because I'm just the worst waiter! Von, you were as good as Santa Claus! Von sent a chart that I don't have from one of my favorite designers, some lovely shell buttons, a teeny pair of scissors for my on-the-go stitching, some bright picture post cards of her part of the world, and the loveliest hardanger pretty I've ever seen. Thank you, Von!

Last night I finally finished my slow-motion quilt square for Quilts4Kids. The picture isn't very good - it's overcast today - but the colors really do pop out on this one. I hope Samantha will enjoy it when her quilt is completed.

We also received our baby's sampler back from the framer. Though he did not use spacers, as I specifically & pointedly requested, we are happy with the framing. We chose a special glass to cut down on sun damage (the Natural Dye Studio silks are not colorfast) and the dappled effect of the frame suits the dappled linen perfectly. I've never been very good at photographing framed pieces, so you'll just have to trust me when I say this looks much better IRL.

Tonight is the final night of the Avondvierdaagse, the march that Max has been participating in. Traditionally, the kids are gifted with candy and flowers at the ceremony where they also recieve their medallions. Last year we skipped the candy, since we're pretty low-tolerance on sweets, but Max felt left out so this year I put my scruples aside and picked up two bags of candy that we can hand out to him and to his friends who've marched with him every night. He's very excited!

And today is officially our wedding anniversary. Traditionally, we celebrate our anniversary on the occassion of our first date, but I picked Niek up a new leather wallet. He needs it! I also spared him my annual attempt at writing a poem and settled for a card. He won't have to spend ages trying to figure out what I'm trying to say. LOL.

This weekend will be busy for us - we are going to visit friends on Saturday who are expecting their second child "any day now". Niek's worried about me having a bad reaction to being with a pregnant lady, but I'm sure it will be okay. I miss my baby, I don't begrudge other women theirs. And on Sunday, Ash is driving over with her sons and husband. I'm really looking forward to meeting her - she's become a good friend over the trials and tribulations of the past months - and I can't wait to meet her boys after hearing all about them. I suspect they will get along very well with our three wee beasties.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!
posted by mainely stitching at 4:17 PM ¤ Permalink ¤ |


  • At Saturday, 20 May, 2006, Blogger Rachael

    Your pressies are wonderful. This was so fun . I am up for doing it again next year.
    Your baby sampler is lovely. I am sure it a great comfort for you.