Growing up, I wanted to be everything at one point or another. A trombonist in the Lawrence Welk band (I just loved those bubbles at the end of the show). A running back for the Rams. A famous downhill speed skiier. A vet. A lawyer. A university professor. A novelist/poet/essayist. A potter. Somehow, I wound up becoming a technical writer (after forays into retail, food services, and real estate!) and 8 years later I'm still wondering just what the heck I'm doing in this career. Here in the Netherlands, my education and background sort of limit me - I graduated with an English degree (and about enough psychology credits for a minor). My Dutch has never become what you could call fluent - I can get by, but it's obvious I'm a foreigner. So I needed a job where I could not only write/read in English, but where I could be in a mainly English-speaking environment. Computers! Which is just too funny because I'm the least technical person under 80 that you are likely to meet. I bet there are Amish people out there who are more savvy than I am.
Lately I've begun to wake up and shake loose some of the syrup that my brain has been immersed in and to seriously question: "What now?" The winds of change have been blowing ... Do I want to gamble on returning to Maine (a more difficult undertaking than one might expect, as Max's biological father has blocked our efforts to even vacation in the US in the past)? Do I want to lay down even more permanent roots here by undertaking a new education to launch a new career? Both have very valid pros and cons.
But back to stitching! While I waited for Carol's neighborhood to arrive, I started another charity quilt square. I've designed this one myself - it's for a boy who would do extreme sports if not for his illness, so I'm creating an "extreme" sign in the middle that will look like a Caution road sign. There'll be a square border around the outside edges that pick up the diamond-shape and vibrant colors of the sign. And in the four corners, I'll stitch motifs from different extreme sports, like parachuting and stuff.
Carol's NRR arrived today and that will take top priority so I can be sure to finish it and mail it on to
Rachael before I leave for Maine next month. And I have no idea what to stitch on this one! It's so lovely, but so different than the patterns I have in my stash! Never fear, I'll start rummaging around this afternoon and no doubt something will appear. Kudos to Carol and
Annemarie on their gorgeous stitching. I hope I don't let anyone down!!
(Blogger is again refusing to upload my pictures so I had to use Photobucket. For a clickable picture of Carol's neighborhood, go see
Our Neighborhood blog.)
Finding out who we are is a continuing saga, isn't it. Keep exploring the possibilities and pushing on doors until you find what's right for you, Barb!